खोज इनपुट में टाइप करने पर सुझाव दिखाई देंगे। अच्छी तरह गौर करने के लिए 'अप' और 'डाउन' ऐरो का इस्तेमाल करें। चुनने के लिए 'एंटर' का इस्तेमाल करें। अगर चुनाव एक वाक्यांश है, तो वह वाक्यांश खोज के लिए सबमिट कर दिया जाएगा। अगर सुझाव एक लिंक है, तो ब्राउज़र उस पेज पर लेकर जाएगा।
कैसे करें • मेज़बान

Airbnb का निवासी मेज़बान प्रोग्राम

The Airbnb Resident Hosting program unlocks hosting for residents living in apartments, condominiums, and other multifamily buildings. Building owners, managers, and homeowners’ associations (“building management”) can offer residents the ability to host on Airbnb according to their building rules and policies. Through this program, your building management can:

  • Establish their own building rules for hosting, tailored to work for their community
  • Gain visibility into Airbnb hosting activity in the community
  • Leverage tools on Airbnb to receive an agreed portion of the resident’s hosting earnings (“revenue share”)

The Resident Hosting program also gives building management access to tools, including a customized dashboard to track any revenue share they earn and provides insight into hosting activity for listings opted into the program.

Today, this program is primarily for buildings in the United States and the United Kingdom. To find out if your building is part of the program, check with your building management or, for those in the United States, look for it on airbnb.com/airbnb-friendly. Know that there are buildings that allow hosting on Airbnb but aren’t part of this program. If they’d like to consider partnering with Airbnb, they can learn more.

    Information sharing

    As part of the Resident Hosting program, Airbnb will share the following information with your building management:

    • Your host name
    • Address
    • Apartment unit number
    • Number of nights you’ve hosted in the past calendar year, including any periods before you enrolled in the program, if applicable
    • Payout amounts / earnings since you’ve enrolled in the program
    • Link to your listing, including your listing’s photos, list of amenities, and description
    • Bookings and Reservation info, including the reservation code, check-in and checkout dates, and number of guests

    For additional information on what personal information Airbnb collects, how we use personal information, and how personal information is shared, check out our Privacy Policy.

    Revenue share

    Your building management may require you to share a portion of your Airbnb earnings as a condition to your participation in the Resident Hosting program (“revenue share”).

    The revenue share percentage and the specific calculation of your earnings used to determine the revenue share varies by building. The calculation may be based on the nightly rate you set, which includes any management fees, resort fees, or community fees that are rolled into the nightly rate through our professional hosting tools, if applicable. Find out more about Airbnb’s professional hosting tools. The calculation may also include lodging or hotel taxes, cleaning fees, extra guest fees, pet fees, and other fees and amounts you add to your nightly rate, which guests must agree to during checkout.

    You can reach out to your building management for information on the specific revenue share percentage and calculation details applicable to your building. This information will also be displayed during the enrollment process.

    Your building management may change the revenue share percentage and/or method of calculation from time to time upon no less than thirty (30) days’ written notice. However, if such change reduces the revenue share applied to your earnings, that reduction may be effective on five (5) days’ written notice.


    If you use co-host tools, there are some general limitations to sharing payouts with co-hosts on Airbnb, depending on your and your co-host’s location and/or where your listing is located. Learn more about co-host payouts. In addition to those general limitations, hosts who have opted into the Resident Hosting Program should know the following:

    • United States: For hosts in the US, know that revenue share for each booking is deducted prior to calculating any amounts shared with co-hosts. Co-host payouts are also limited to being set up as a percentage calculation per booking (and not fixed amounts). Due to this limitation, if a listing has any co-host payouts set up as fixed amounts prior to the host opting into the program, those co-host payouts will be removed for all future payouts after the date the Host agrees to the Resident Hosting terms. . In addition, if the revenue share for a building changes, payouts that were previously set up may also be removed. A host may set up new co-host payouts after opting in or the revenue share is changed, so long as the payout is set up as a percentage calculation per booking.
    • United Kingdom and Canada: For hosts in the UK and Canada, co-host payouts are not currently supported. If a UK or Canadian host has already set up a co-host payout before joining the Resident Hosting program, these co-host payouts will be removed for future payouts after the date on which the host agrees to the Resident Hosting terms.

    For more information, check out our Limitations for participants in Resident Hosting.

    क्या इस लेख से मदद मिली?

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    • कैसे करें • मेज़बान

      अपनी लिस्टिंग पब्लिश करें

      अपनी लिस्टिंग को खोज नतीजों और अपने प्रोफ़ाइल पेज पर सार्वजनिक बनाने के लिए, लिस्टिंग के स्टेटस को 'लिस्ट किया गया' में बदलें और 'सेव करें' पर क्लिक या टैप करें।
    • कैसे करें • मेज़बान

      छूट कैसे लागू की जाती है

      आपकी लिस्टिंग के लिए अलग-अलग तरह की छूट और प्रमोशन उपलब्ध होते हैं, लेकिन हर बुकिंग पर सिर्फ़ एक ऑफ़र लागू किया जा सकता है।
    • समुदाय की नीतियॉं • अनुभव के मेज़बान

      Airbnb अनुभवों से संबंधित मानक और शर्तें

      Airbnb अनुभवों के मेज़बानों के लिए तय किए गए ज़रूरी क्वालिटी मानकों और शर्तों का ब्यौरा देखें।
    अपने रिज़र्वेशन, अकाउंट और अन्य मामलों के संबंध में मदद पाएँ।
    लॉग इन या साइन अप करें