आपकी यात्रा की तैयारी
Before you arrive
Need to find your reservation, print the details so you know where you’re going, share your trip plans with people traveling with you (quick tip: add them as co-travelers first)? Head to Trips for all-things pre-arrival.
Printing your reservation details
How to print and save your reservation confirmation.
Finding your reservation info
Learn where to find your reservation details in your account.
Share trip details with other guests
How to invite your guests to be co-travelers and share itinerary details.
Addressing pre-jitters
While we hope things go smoothly, let’s prepare just in case. If you can’t find your listing online, don’t fret—Hosts can hide their listing at any time from search results. If you have a confirmed reservation, your reservation is still active. If you arrive and something is wrong at check-in (perhaps the kitchen isn’t clean), message your Host on the app so they can help you take care of it as soon as possible. If you still need help, you can always let us know.
If you can’t find the place you booked on the site
What to do if you have a confirmed reservation and the listing doesn’t show up in search results.
If something is wrong at check-in
What to do and who to contact if there’s an issue when you arrive.
What to do if the place you’re staying in isn’t clean at check-in
How to reach out to your Host for help when your listing isn’t as expected.
संबंधित लेख
- मेहमान
अपने रिज़र्वेशन का ब्यौरा प्रिंट करें
आपके रिज़र्वेशन के ब्यौरे में आपको उसे प्रिंट करने या PDF के रूप में सेव करने का विकल्प मिलेगा। - अनुभव के मेज़बान
मैं अनुभव के लिए शेड्यूल किए गए मैसेज कैसे बनाऊँ और उन्हें मेहमानों को ऑटोमैटिक रूप से भेजने के लिए मुझे क्या करना होगा?
अपने मेहमानों को ऑटोमैटिक रूप से भेजे जाने वाले मैसेज शेड्यूल करके, बतौर मेज़बान अपना वक्त बचाने का तरीका सीखें। ऑटोमैटिक मैसेज, बुकिंग कंफ़…