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Golden Gate Park is a must visit while in SF. It's huge and there are so many things to do here, but our favorites are picnicking outside the conservatory of flowers or visiting the DeYoung Museum and the Academy of Sciences. Or go on a Sunday when the streets are closed to traffic and ride a bike around the whole park.
SF में रहता है

स्थानीय लोगों की सलाह

January 12, 2022
Golden Gate Park, located in San Francisco, California, United States, is a large urban park consisting of 1,017 acres (412 ha) of public grounds. It is administered by the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department, which began in 1871 to oversee the development of Golden Gate Park. Configured as a rectangle, it is similar in shape to but 20 percent larger than Central Park in New York City, to which it is often compared. It is over three miles (4.8 km) long east to west, and about half a mile (0.8 km) north to south.[3] With 24 million visitors annually, Golden Gate is the third most-visited city park in the United States after Central Park and the Lincoln Memorial. 从金门公园(Golden Gate Park)一头走到另一头,足足步行三个小时。风很大,一会儿下雨,一会儿停,我们的伞翻船好多次。身上穿着防雨冲锋衣,书包都湿了,最后到了太平洋海岸(Beach Ocean)。眼前的大洋呈灰色,白色大浪一阵阵翻滚,海边还有人在遛狗。在毛毛细雨中我们躲进海滨的餐厅,一座二层小楼。一楼墙上有很多反映当年海滨人们生活的壁画,有卖纪念品的。楼上是餐厅,靠窗坐下,雨水顺着窗户直流,看不到外面清晰场景。我们点了啤酒和汉堡,薯条,连休息呆了近两个小时,加上小费花了45美元。下午天晴了,大洋恢复了平静。这是旧金山五日旅行中最难忘的记忆,餐食虽然简单,但是我们又一次面对浩瀚的大洋用餐很有意思。从地图上看金门园呈长方形,长4000多米,宽800多米,公园从旧金山市中心一直延续到到太平洋海滨,横跨53条街。我们游览过纽约中央公园,金门公园比中央公园面积大20%,绿色植被和高大植株更多,游人少,更显自然本色。金门公园也是1894年的世博会旧址,有不少建筑是当年建造的。公园里的笛洋美术馆,加州科学院,音乐广场区,基泽体育场等很有名气,我们时间有限更喜欢步行,只参观了旧金山植物园(San Francisco Botanical Garden )。中式建筑金门亭建于1981年,大红柱子上写着,中华隔洋飞渡金门西望天涯金若比邻,美洲留胜地登临文物东来海内喜存知己,是为纪念华侨先驱创业奋斗精神及台北/金门结成姐妹城市建造的。日本茶公园是1969年居住在旧金山的日侨为纪念日本移民先驱抵达金门海岸100周年而建。
Golden Gate Park, located in San Francisco, California, United States, is a large urban park consisting of 1,017 acres (412 ha) of public grounds. It is administered by the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department, which began in 1871 to oversee the development of Golden Gate Park. Configured as…
September 18, 2022
Many things to do. The Academy of Sciences, Japanese tea garden, Rent bikes, scooters and tour the park.
August 24, 2022
Get lost in the park on foot or by bike
July 10, 2022
An absolute must visit while in San Francisco. Absolutely massive, GGP is kinda of a more rugged and rural take on New York's Central Park. Just 2 blocks down the hill from the unit, we strongly recommend you take some time to explore. Spreckles lake is right next to us, but visiting the Academy of Sciences, De Young Museum, or the Conservatory of Flowers are always good options.
An absolute must visit while in San Francisco. Absolutely massive, GGP is kinda of a more rugged and rural take on New York's Central Park. Just 2 blocks down the hill from the unit, we strongly recommend you take some time to explore. Spreckles lake is right next to us, but visiting the Academy…
May 26, 2022
Large urban park where you can check out the Bison Paddock, California Academy of Sciences, Conservatory of Flowers, de Young Museum, Japanese Tea Garden, Windmills, Stow Lake and more!

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स्थानीय लोग भी सुझाते हैं

San Francisco, CA