आपके अनुभव के लिए ज़रूरी डॉक्युमेंट
Hosts are endlessly creative in coming up with great Airbnb Experiences—and some Experiences need more documentation than others.
Before your Experience is published, it will be reviewed to make sure it meets our quality standards.
Experiences involving certain technically specialized activities may need additional review before being published on Airbnb. Learn more about the license and insurance requirements to host those Experiences.
How we verify documents
Evident is an external company that verifies license and insurance documents for Experiences involving certain types of technically specialized activities. If you receive an email from Evident, you’ll need to submit the license and/or proof of insurance to be able to host. If you don’t want to provide this documentation, you’ll need to remove the relevant activities from your Experience.
You’re in control of the Experiences you offer, but it’s also your responsibility to understand and follow any relevant laws and regulations. Neither Evident nor Airbnb can make sure that your Experience complies with your local laws, so be sure you’re clear on what’s required and consider consulting with an attorney if you have questions.
Declined Experiences
If your Experience was declined during the verification process, it means that your documents didn’t meet the standards, or may have expired. You’ll have a chance to rectify this before your submission is declined.
Contacting Evident
If you have any questions, or you want to check the status of your verification, contact Evident directly
संबंधित लेख
- अनुभव के मेज़बान
भोजन से जुड़े अनुभव
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मेज़बानों को चाहिए कि वे सामान को साफ़-सुथरा रखें, कच्चे और पके हुए खाद्य पदार्थों को अलग-अलग रखें, खाने को अच्छी तरह पकाएँ, खाने को सुरक्षि… - अनुभव के मेज़बान
अनुभवों के लिए Airbnb सेवा शुल्क
यह पक्का करने के लिए आप 24 घंटे, सभी दिन ग्राहक सेवा जैसे फ़ायदे ऑफ़र कर सकें, हम अनुभवों के मेज़बानों से 20% सेवा शुल्क लेते हैं।